Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Smeat, airport floors and wonderful travel companions

Hard to believe that it's been a year ago today we left for our first trip to meet Beck. Oh wait, we didn't technically 'leave'. We did however risk life and limb on the bus ride from hell to NY only to be stranded overnight on the floor of JFK. It was an interesting way to meet our travel companions Hilary and Tim. If you could imagine how uncomfortable the dirty, nasty concourse floor would be, rest assured it worse. I'm still a little bitter that Joe wouldn't share the piece of cardboard he pulled out of the trash to make a makeshift 'bed'. And there's nothing like 'bathing' at the ladies room sink with a new friend to really help the bonding process. Seriously, people's true colors come out when you're sore, tired and wearing the same clothes for 3 days and I have to say, we hit the jackpot when it comes to travel companions. So in honor of this special anniversary I think I'll hunt down a recipe for some tasty smeat and trice-nuked potatoes and make the family sleep in the driveway.


Julie and John Wright said...

Nw you have us all chuckling here....maybe it's a little bit of a nervice laugh... I still have the return trip to look forward to. !

Jackie said...

Honestly, it seems like just yesterday when you told me you were leaving to meet Beck. I cannot believe how fast time flies.

Hope you find the perfect recipe...if it's tasty, don't forget to share it with us all.

Congrats on another milestone :)

Hilary Marquis said...

Let's not forget the toddler projectile puking in the terminal! And the all night pages to some passenger that was probably not even in the building! I'll be cookin the same gourmet meal as you tonight, toasting our travels and our friendship...and I thought we'd sleep in the garage ( less mosquitoes ;)