Wednesday, September 19, 2007


This morning Beck went to his first Fox Hunt! Of course, he's not quite ready to ride along so we left the horses home but still enjoyed the beauty of the event. I was just about half way to the hosting farm when I remembered that one of the key components of a good hunt is of course THE HOUNDS!!! Lot's of 'em! Howling, sniffing and scampering about. Honestly, I had a moment of panic. But as we gathered in the field and the hounds were released Beck hooted in pure joy (after all, it wasn't him they were sniffing after!). He ogled at the horses, making it obvious he wasn't totally fulfilled sitting on the sidelines. Luckily one of the riders, riding the biggest Clydesdale/TB cross I've ever seen trotted up to Beck and told him that "Spanky" (oh what a horrid name for such a commanding mount!) wanted to say Hi.
Yes, I do believe we have an equestrian in the making!

Just as a side note: In American Fox Hunting there is NO FOX used for the hunt. Those who know me well know I would never participate in a 'sport' that require a poor creature to be run to extreme exhaustion and then mauled. In American Fox Hunting a scent is laid out by, in this case, a local vet on her bicycle. So fear not! No cute little foxes even attended this event.


Unknown said...

I've always wanted to go foxhunting... lovely photos! Xander had his first fall off his pony this morning :( It wasn't far, but even through his tears he begged to get back on and pitched a fit when he had to get off!

Hilary Marquis said...

Not quite the pathetic looking creatures we saw on the road to Tokmok! I am so glad that Beck shares your passion. Tell Joe to start saving $$$ Beck needs a pony!