Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thirsty Thursday???

So this afternoon I jumped in the truck to go pick up my daughter at our town's summer rec program. I was zoning out really into the political discussion on the talk radio and before I knew it, I pulled into the parking lot, hopped out and went straight to the classroom. It wasn't until I was chatting away with my son's teacher that reality gave me a swift kick in the arse! WTF! Wrong kid! Wrong place!
The little rugrats were mid-nap and suddenly I understood the strange stares I got as I walked in... 2 hours early. After successfully waking up every sleeping child... except my own, I apologized sheepishly and told his teachers I'd see them Thursday... to which they reminded me today is Thursday.

I swear, I hadn't had a drop. But it's going to be difficult convincing others.


Bev said...

That's it! I'm getting you a set of Days of the Week underwear STAT. You clearly need help with your calendar days!

These were funny. The last one with the ducks made me guffaw, which is probably why my word verif is sescesse. Because I'm a success at being so sex-ay!

Samsmama said...

Your comment on my blog killed me, as when you mentioned picking up the "wrong kid" I thought you meant one that didn't even belong to you. I've certainly had days like that. Not where I've kidnapped anybody, but, forget it. I've had a long day and am drinking away my pain.

Those pictures were HILARIOUS!!!

Lori said...

Poor duckies! You can just hear that mama duck saying, "Crap. Should've thought that one through a bit more."

Nancy said...

Quick, get to Walmart. You'll fit right in!!!!

JJ said...

Hilarious! I hate when I do things like that.

Love the pictures too :)

Elliott said...

What? These are the things that toughen us up as kids. My parents would tether me to a tree as a toddler while we were camping so I wouldn't wander off, my father slammed my hand in the car door, I learned to ride a bike without a helmet on a bike that was WAY too big for me...

Ahh, the 70's...

And really, can someone explain what's wrong with the next-to-last picture? I don't get it.

Mala said...

Bev - Days of the week undies?! Oh the stress! I can't figure out what day it is... AND I'd have to remember undies!

Samsmama - pick up the WRONG kid?! No way!!! They're lucky I pick up MY kid!

Lori - Yes, poor duckies. I gasped in horror the first time I saw that...then I giggled... then I felt really badly.

Nancy - Ugh! You know how much a hate the Wally World. I like to think I'd have to try even harder to fit in there.

Jennybean79 - I avoided taking my son to school today, hoping the weekend will give his teachers the opportunity to forget the whole thing.

Elliot - and don't forget that we NEVER wore seatbelts. Seatbelts were for wimps!
Oh and that next to last picture - the issue is that she has the carseat facing the wrong direction. WITH the flow of traffic people! Cripes, there's even arrows to show her the way!

Elliott said...

OOOHhhh...I don't know how I missed that.

No seatbelts, no bike helmets, we'd play in the street and in the bushes at the park and be outside without adult supervision after dark.

It's a miracle as many of us made it to adulthood as we did.

Bev said...

I am fairly certain that my crib was painted with lead paint, too, which explains my low SAT scores.

I'm still giggling over the image of little Elliott tethered to a tree! LOL!! It reminds me of that Mike Myers SNL sketch when he plays a giant toddler wearing a kid leash and a helmet. Hee!

Elliott said...

That's okay, I still have the image of Mala's calendar being completely off because she decided to go commando...Lori tells me she was jealous of her childhood friend because she wanted DOTW undies.

As for Phillip, my favorite part is when Nicole Kidman feeds him chocolate...