So I'm doing a little mental house cleaning, so bare with me for today's hodgepodge of blogism.
First on the agenda: The Facebook Mystery Lady (or better known as 'My Baby's Mama Drama'). No word from her and she hasn't accepted my plead... errr, I mean my request for friend status. What? Is it me? Oh, wait. Yeah it probably is. BUT even though I haven't made the grade with FML (Facebook Mystery Lady), Bev has had her friendship request granted by FML Friend (hereon known as FOFML). They've made no further contact but we do at least know that FML and FOFML have written on each others' walls in the not so long ago and that it was written in English and Russian. Hmmmmm????? Also, there seems to be that beauty product connection again which is where I originally found FML. Double hmmmmm??? I wish I had more info but until this chick deems me more agreeable for friendship status, it's all I got. Until then, I guess I'll be taking lessons from Bev on how to make friends. Damn.
In other news, Princess Snaggle Tooth is now Princess No-Front-Teeth. I must say, it's a better look for her, but no less trailer-parky. Shame.
(This is where I insert her toothless picture but that requires hunting for my camera and, well, I ain't up for it right now. Deal.)
I'm sure you're all wondering what crazy antics that little freakish tooth fairy pulled last night, aren't you?
Well, the tooth fairy had a realllyyyyy long day yesterday and was WAY too tired to even try to pull off a search and rescue of a tooth, so she made up some lame ass excuse about not being able to open her door and just left $2 outside her bedroom without taking the tooth. I'm wondering how long before Morgan schemes so "resell" the chomper.
And in an absolutely, positively unrelated story: I took my Morgan horse, Storm to a barrel racing clinic yesterday and we had a BLAST! I've been racing my Arab (the famous Mr. Dee) for 10 years now, but now that he's in his 30's (and doesn't look a day older then 10), I need to slow down his racing career. So I took my sweet, 2-speed (walk and trot), carriage driving horse. Yeah, I know, what was I thinking!
Well, he surprised us all and kicked it into warp speed around the barrels! Yee-haw! Yeah, may have found a new niche for him.
Doesn't look like a carriage horse anymore, does he? His best time was 24 seconds. The national wining pro barrel racer there did the pattern in 19. I'd say that's pretty darn good for a first time out.
Great day but man was I exhausted! Totally worn out! Which of course had absolutely, positively NOTHING to do with the tooth fairy's lackluster visit.
Love it - you both look great! Go Storm! He'll be stunt horse in no time.
Glad to hear the Snaggletooth has become the no-tooth. That was seriously freaking me out. ;)
Sorry I haven't stalked the FOFMIL more. I'll get on that!
Don't mind me.
I just realized something.
I'm not that far behind Bev.
I could totally get that top commenter thing.
With some hard work
and dedication
and a bit more wine,
my dream could come true.
We're watching Blue's Clues.
I'm wearing a St. Patrick's Day shirt.
My word verf is "cocti". Plural for...
Isn't this obnoxious?
Somebody did this to me the other night and it annoyed me.
So I apologize.
We just got a letter...wonder who it's from.
I think that should do it.
One more for good meausure.
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